International Women's Day is a day of appreciation and respect for women. Since 1917, every year on 8 March, women around the world have celebrated this day. Men treat women to flowers, sweets and cosmetics. International Women's Day is also a UN World Day. It has not always been a flowery, sweet commemoration, as its origins date back to 1857 in New York.
On 8 March this year, a demonstration for women's equality and free employment took place. Today, various NGOs around the world also mark this day to protest against violence against women, domestic violence, sexual harassment in the workplace, prostitution and other forms of violence against women. As the international labour movement developed, the issue of women's emancipation came to the fore: in 1866, a resolution was passed on the professional employment of women. This resolution was intended to put an end to the age-old stereotype that women's place was exclusively in the home. In 1909, the first National Women's Day was celebrated in the United States, on the last Sunday in February, the 28th. In 1910, it was decided to hold an international women's day to promote women's suffrage. The resolution was adopted by Congress, but no decision was taken on the exact date of the commemoration. On 19 March 1911, Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland were the first countries in the world to celebrate International Women's Day. On 8 March 1917, women in Russia demonstrated for bread and peace. Four days later, not directly as a result of this demonstration, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated and a civil government was formed, giving women the vote. This also set the date for Women's Day, which in most countries of the world is 8 March.
Women's Day in Hungary
Hungary first joined the Women's Day call in 1913, when the National Women's Organising Committee distributed leaflets. The following year, in 1914, events were organised throughout the country. During the Rákosi era, the celebration of Women's Day became compulsory, and from 1948 onwards, originally held on different dates, it was held on 8 March, following the Soviet model. After the fall of communism, Women's Day in Hungary lost its original labour movement atmosphere and was replaced by the giving of flowers.
Interesting facts from around the world
Romániában és Bulgáriában erre a napra esik az Anyák napja is, így nem csak az urak lepik meg a hölgyeket virággal, hanem a gyerekek is a szüleiket és a nagyszüleiket.
In Romania and Bulgaria, Mother's Day falls on the same day, so it is not only the men who present flowers to the ladies, but also the children who present flowers to their parents and grandparents.
In Italy, men give bouquets of yellow mimosa flowers on Women's Day because they feel it is a rare and precious flower.
Yellow mimosa and yellow tulips are also very popular in Russia
In Portugal, women celebrate 'themselves' by going out for dinner and partying without their husbands.
In Pakistan, working women always commemorate this day as a day of struggle for their freedom and equality.
Every year on this day, the Taiwanese government publishes the results of a survey on the waist size of its female residents, coupled with a warning about the dangers of obesity.
In Central and Eastern Europe, it is also customary for gentlemen to present their ladies with flowers, sweets and cosmetics. Mainly family members and colleagues, but many also think of the ladies they meet that day.
Tips from Caola for the ladies
- Spend time with yourself
It's not easy to fit some 'me time' into your schedule, but at least on this day, allow yourself a little pampering.
- Block out the stress
Stress and everyday problems can affect us both inside and out. Try not to take things too seriously. We can't change what's beyond our control, and it's useless to fret about it. Yes, we know that's easy to say, but let's start with small steps and
- Pamper your body and your mind
At least on this day, give yourself some space to relax, watch a long-awaited movie, take time to read or simply meditate. And if you're looking after your appearance, apply a nourishing, soothing face mask, take a pampering bath and treat your skin to skin-friendly Caola creams made from botanicals. Remember to look after the ladies all year round and treat them with respect.